One Intuitive 9th Grader

26 07 2010

So I was looking through the stuff on my old USB drive and found, to my great astonishment and joy, a small collection of quotes that I would stay up and write at the begining of eighth and ninth grade. They are pretty cool, and pretty smart for a ninth grader, so I figured I would share.

There may be some who will not guide, and insist on following. These are the people who fear what they believe, but there are also those whose lust for the responsibility to guide only allows them to attempt proper leadership. These are those who seek to wreak the benefits and are selfish in their own actions.  There are people who guide, who follow, and who are faithful to the general cause that makes the action necessary. These are the people who thrive in all societies. These people grow and become capable of many great things. They lead and show the greatest ability in spreading all knowledge throughout the world. These are the chosen people of our great day.

-Taylor Hill

True leadership is the ability to show a path for others, but it is also ability in which we must show humility in all circumstances. Without humility we, as leaders, are nothing. There is always someone who needs guidance, but there is also always someone worth following.  There is always something that we must learn from the humble.

-Taylor Hill

How often do we find ourselves in situation in which we seem to be the only one? Why do we always feel so alone when there is so much potential in each human life? When life gets tough I recognize that I am not alone, that I have the same potential and ability to drive to the top of humanity. If I only grasp onto all good in my situation and learn from every circumstance in which I find myself. Then, someday, I will find myself at the top.

-Taylor Hill

Why do people choose exile over the light which is offered to them? Is it because pleasure is too big of a temptation? Is it because the light seems to be too difficult a path? Or is it both? Too often we are challenged on our beliefs, and too often we are only too keen to rid ourselves of them (our beliefs) because of our own persecution. We see ourselves in a mortal state of being instead of looking at ourselves with and eternal perspective. *Our world demands strong hearts. Humanities greatest moments have occurred when men step aside from common knowledge and choose to do, or rather to be, somebody or something extraordinary. Now is the time that we must strengthen our hearts and become the people who will choose the best path not only for themselves, but for the rest of the world. We were chosen to live at this time with good reason. Now is the time to live up to our own greatest expectations, to be among the extraordinary, and to choose light over exile.

-Taylor Hill



One response

26 07 2010

Hooray! You’re back!

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